Learn how to tell if a woman is just stringing you along.
In today’s guide we’re going to be revealing 12 signs that well help you understand if a woman is stringing you along and not interested in a serious relationship.
Ever had that nagging feeling that a woman’s interest in you isn’t genuine?
It’s a tough spot to be in. Today, we’re delving into the unmistakable signs she’s just stringing you along. By the end of this, you’ll be equipped to spot those red flags and navigate them with confidence.
Let’s uncover the truth together and ensure you’re not being led astray. Dive in with me!
Signs she’s not really invested?
SIGN 1 – She’s Always “Busy”
Now, we all know that life happens, right? There are moments when work, family, or personal matters may fill up a person’s schedule, but if she’s consistently too ‘busy’ to make time for you, then, my friend, something might be off.
Ask yourself: Does she consistently postpone or cancel plans? Does she take forever to respond to your texts or calls and use busyness as her go-to excuse?
While it’s absolutely fine for people to have their own lives and responsibilities, a consistent lack of time may be a signal that she’s not as committed to the relationship as you are.
SIGN 2 – Her Communication Is Inconsistent
Some days it’s text-after-text; other days, it’s radio silence.
Inconsistent communication can be a major sign of stringing along.
Remember, a person who genuinely cares will make an effort to communicate regularly.
If she’s blowing hot and cold with her communication, it might be that she’s not entirely invested.
It’s important to communicate about these inconsistencies, but if they persist, then it might be a case of you being strung along.
SIGN 3 – She’s Vague About Her Feelings
In a budding relationship, it’s normal to take time to express feelings openly.
However, if it’s been a while and she’s still dodging the ‘feelings’ conversation, it might be because she’s stringing you along.
Is she always deflecting when you try to discuss where your relationship stands? If it feels like you’re doing mental gymnastics trying to understand her feelings towards you, then she might not be as committed to you as you’d like.
SIGN 4 – She’s Still Active on Dating Apps
This one is a bit tricky because everyone has different views on when to go off the grid, but if you’ve been seeing each other for a while, and she’s still swiping left and right, it may be a sign she’s not ready to commit.
You might want to have a conversation about what being ‘exclusive’ means to both of you.
If she’s hesitant or avoids the topic, then, my friend, she may be stringing you along.
SIGN 5 – She Only Wants to Hang Out on Her Terms
Relationships are a two-way street, right? But if she only wants to hang out when it suits her and never takes your preferences into account, you might be getting played.
It’s about mutual respect and understanding. If she can’t make time for the things that you enjoy or at times convenient for you, then she might be stringing you along.
SIGN 6 – She Avoids Introducing You to Her Friends or Family
While not everyone is quick to make introductions, if it’s been some time and she’s still reluctant to bring you into her circle, it could be a sign she’s not seeing a future with you.
Relationships are about blending lives, and if she’s keeping you at arm’s length, she might be stringing you along.
SIGN 7 – She Doesn’t Make Plans for the Future
If she’s always avoiding committing to future plans, from next month’s concert, to the holiday season, it could be a clear sign that she’s stringing you along.
A person invested in a relationship will be excited about planning for a shared future.
SIGN 8 – She Doesn’t Show Genuine Interest in Your Life
Have you ever found that during your conversations with her, it feels a bit one-sided? Maybe you’re always the one asking the questions, and her inquiries about your life seem almost nonexistent.
Perhaps when you’re telling her about your day or sharing an exciting piece of news, she seems disinterested, or she quickly changes the subject back to herself.
This could be a sign that she doesn’t really care about the details of your life, or worse, she might not see your life as part of hers in the long term.
SIGN 9 – She Never Initiates Contact
Now imagine a ping pong game where only one player is serving the ball. Not so fun, huh?
If you’re always the one initiating contact – you know, sending the first text in the morning, making the first call of the day, always being the one to suggest plans – it might feel like you’re in a monologue, not a dialogue.
It’s important to understand that relationships are all about reciprocation.
If she rarely or never initiates contact, it might be because she’s simply not as invested in the relationship as you are.
Being in a relationship means being excited to hear from each other, to share bits of your day, and to just revel in the mundane yet beautiful moments together. And if you’re the only one initiating these moments, it might be time to ask why.
Remember, guys, it’s not just about the quantity of communication, but the quality as well. A relationship where one person is doing all the reaching out can feel unbalanced and unfulfilling.
She should be just as excited to get in touch with you as you are with her. If that’s not the case, you might be getting strung along.
SIGN 10 – She Is Flirty with Other People in Your Presence
Imagine you’re out at a party or a social event, and she spends more time flirting with other guys than interacting with you. Feels bad, right?
Well, while some people are naturally more outgoing and charismatic, there is a boundary that should not be crossed, especially when you’re in a relationship.
If she’s making you feel uncomfortable or even disrespected by openly flirting with others while you’re right there, it’s definitely not a good sign.
A healthy relationship should make you feel secure, not wonder if you’re just an option among many.
If she’s perpetually pushing the envelope with flirtatious behavior, keeping her options wide open in your presence, then, my friend, it might be time to rethink things.
Remember, respect is a two-way street, and you should never be made to feel like you’re in competition with every other guy in the room.
If she can’t provide that basic level of respect, she might be stringing you along.
SIGN 11 – She Often Talks About Her Ex
Yes, we’ve all got history, and past relationships are a part of that. But if she seems to bring up her ex more frequently than seems normal, then it’s time for the alarm bells to ring.
Is every conversation somehow veering back to her ex? Is she constantly comparing you to them or reminiscing about the ‘good old days’ they had together? If yes, then she might not be entirely over them, and you could just be a placeholder.
It’s absolutely normal and even healthy to discuss past relationships to a certain extent. After all, our experiences shape us. However, if it’s excessive, it might indicate that she’s not fully emotionally available for a new relationship.
She might be with you physically, but if her mind is often wandering back to her ex, she might be stringing you along while she’s emotionally hung up on someone else.
A relationship should be about two people moving forward together, not one person stuck in the past.
SIGN 12 – She’s Unreliable
Now, we all have moments when things don’t go as planned and we need to cancel or postpone, right? Life happens. But if she’s often breaking plans at the last minute, showing up late without good reason, or frequently ‘forgetting’ about commitments she made, then it might be a red flag.
Reliability and respect go hand-in-hand in a relationship. If she’s consistently unreliable, it’s not just about a lack of planning or time management skills; it could also reflect how she values and respects your time and feelings.
Being stood up, kept waiting, or having plans canceled without a legitimate reason can be pretty hurtful and disappointing. It shows a lack of consideration and respect.
If she’s often unreliable, it might be a sign that she’s not as committed to you and the relationship as she should be, and she could just be stringing you along.
You’ve uncovered the signs she might be stringing you along. But wait, are you also noticing ‘The Red Flags of Disinterest’ or maybe the ‘Telltale Marks of Manipulation’. Dive in to find out. Don’t forget to share your thoughts, hit that like button, and subscribe!