Learn how to increase attraction and get girls to like you by using these irresistible alpha male body language tricks. Body language is so important when it comes to dating and getting a girlfriend. You want to make a great first impression with a woman don’t you? Body language is one of the first things a girl is going to pick up on, even if it’s simply on a subconscious level, it makes all the difference.
The right body language can increase attraction and impress women from the get-go, so it’s well worth learning about.
Have you ever wondered what is an alpha male or maybe you’ve asked yourself, what does the body language of an alpha male look like? In today’s video I will answer both of these questions. Plus I will teach you the alpha male body language tricks that you can use to increase in attraction.
Attracting ladies, it’s not an easy thing to do but some men seem to have all the luck. But this is most likely because they have alpha male personality types and they show this off well. Women are super attracted to the alpha males and love dating them. So keep watching to see how you can become more alpha.
Alpha male body language tricks
What is an alpha male?
Historically, alpha males are at the top of the social hierarchy. They normally have greater access to money, wealth and friends which gain them physical prowess, confidence and domination. Alpha males are normally the leader of their friend group, successful in their careers and with the ladies. Every male wants to be an alpha male even if he does not realise it yet. The good news is that you don’t need to be born an alpha male to be one, you can become one! You just need to learn how.
Are you ready to learn about alpha male body language tricks that you can use to increase attraction? Let’s get started.
Take up plenty of room
Alpha men naturally take up a lot of space. They don’t ‘manspread’ which is when you obnoxiously take up space. They simply take up some room because they have such big, commanding personalities. For example, on a date with a lady, they might need their own side if they are sitting in a booth. They are likely to take up more room with their legs and use their arms a lot when they speak. Commanding more space like this is something women find very attractive. It makes them feel safe, protected and like they are quite special because this alpha male is spending time with them.
Touch people more than you normally would
Confidence is a huge part of alpha-male body language. You need to be confident enough to touch your lady which can be scary. If you are talking to a girl and she makes a joke, you could touch her arm in a flirty way. If her hair is out of place, you could carefully put it back into place. All of these tiny touch points show the lady that you are confident enough to touch her, it’s something you normally have to be quite brave to do! This is alpha-male body language.
Fake it till you make it
Although it might look like everyone has it together all of the time, they don’t! They are doing something called ‘faking it until they make it’. Which basically means they are pretending to be alpha-male, pretending to be confident and pretending to be all the things that women want! It’s not easy to do this but it’s something you can learn. If you can act like that person, you will become that person. So focus on channelling your inner alpha-male and guys the rest will follow.
Keep looking ahead or looking up
When it comes to body language, you look nervous and weak if you are always looking down. Have you ever watched someone walking towards you and they are looking at the floor? This is because they are nervous or scared. It’s not alpha-male type body language. You need to look powerful and confident which is why you should only look ahead or look up.
Remember to make yourself comfortable
If we are in an uncomfortable position, we are fidgety, nervous and a little all over the place! If you want to look cool, calm and collected (which is a standard alpha-male way to look by the way) you need to get comfortable. If you find yourself on a date, try and pick a table that you are comfortable at. Facing away from everybody in the bar maybe and perhaps in a booth as opposed to a chair. Whatever makes you feel most at ease. If you are comfortable, you will be confident.
Display open body language
Closed body language is when someone is shut down. They might have their arms folded, head down and distance them self from the other person. This is not the type of vibe you want to get off as an alpha-male! You want to seem close to your lady and open to talking to them. So you need to open your arms, uncross your legs and get up close and personal with your date.
Keep your body language relaxed
Leave the tensing for the gym. You don’t want to tense up in front of your date. Keep your body language relaxed and take note of what you need to do to make sure this happens. Maybe before you date you need to go to the gym or take some extra deep breaths. Whatever helps, try it out because it will make an overall difference to how confident you look when you are with your lady.
Maintain good posture
Straighten up and don’t slouch. We all slouch sometimes, especially now that we work from home. Try to keep up good posture though by checking in with yourself. Make sure your shoulders are raised and pushed out a little. Your spine and neck should be straight and your head up a little. You’ll appear more sure of yourself and present yourself in a more confident way.
Make sure to walk with purpose
You need to walk like you are on the runway! Ok not quite but you need to strut and walk with a spring in your step. Keep your head held high as you walk down the street and don’t look back. If your date sees you walking like this, she will be very impressed and think ‘wow’ he is a powerful man. This is of course what you want. All alpha-males walk with some type of strut.
Nod upwards instead of downwards
Have you ever noticed how when we nod, it’s in the downwards direction? Instead of simply nodding upwards! Without either realising it, it’s holding us back and making us look weak. Of course this is not something you want, you want to look like a powerful god! Which is why nodding upwards is the way forward. We have all been nodding downwards for a while so it may take a while for you to get used to it. Practise makes perfect!
Take the spotlight sometimes
There is a fine line between being obnoxious and stealing a little bit of the spotlight. Having the spotlight shine on you, shows that you can command the room which is super important when it comes to showing off your confidence. This could look like, if you are in a bar and you are having drinks, you might start talking to a group of people that you don’t know. Or if there was an emergency situation that you ran into, you might be the one to step in to help. It makes you look super confident and it shows your lady that you are a bit of a hero. Ladies love a hero!
Speak in a lower tone
Men naturally have low voices. This is because of your Adam’s apple which is something women do not have. Still within the scale of male voices, some have higher voices and some have lower voices. Alpha-men typically have lower voices that are more billowing. They ring around a room and it doesn’t matter where you are in a room, you can hear them. It’s super attractive and women find it really sexy when men are like this. If your voice is a little bit higher, practise speaking in a lower tone and you will notice women start being naturally attracted to you.